
Icad city mussafah location map
Icad city mussafah location map

icad city mussafah location map

“On the premises of the labour accommodation in ICAD, we found chicken allocated to workers for cooking themselves in bad condition, which could pose health hazards.” All food outlets are required to follow them. And there is no difference in the ADFCA rules for the city and other locations of the capital. Senior inspector Sultan Hamoud Al Bousaeedi said, “We have chosen the ICAD labour accommodation to ensure safety and hygiene in the food preparation. meters, with clearly designated areas for the process of galvanization and for the steel fabrication division. The built-up area of the factory is 16, 000 sq. Usually, when inspection starts in an area, people in the adjacent area sense it and make others aware. Location Map Our Factory is strategically located in ICAD II Musaffah on a 32,076 square meter plot. The inspectors chalked out a map of 135 food establishments at different locations in Mussafah and ICAD for random checking in a manner the owners could not inform other food outlets about inspections, Al Jabri said. Reporters and photographers from different media establishments accompanied the 42 inspectors, who were divided into 12 teams, during the one-day crackdown on groceries, supermarkets, restaurants and cafeterias in the area.Ībdul Hakeem Al Jabri, manager of field inspections at the ADFCA, said the establishments or shopkeepers were fined for not possessing ID cards and displaying/serving foodstuffs unsuitable for human consumption.

icad city mussafah location map

ICAD Residential City for workers’ accommodation is located near to Mussafah seaport in the capital and is in the vicinity of Abu Dhabi International Airport, covering 14 sq km. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places. The destroyed foodstuffs were found ruined and unfit for human consumption. See what your friends are saying about Mussafah Indl Area.

Icad city mussafah location map